1972 May 21: Germersheim

updated June 2008





setlist: Atom Heart Mother / Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun /Careful With That Axe, Eugene / One Of These Days / Echoes / A Saucerful Of Secrets


Few recorders are in circulation for this date, these are some of the versions I checked of them:

recorder 1: "Germersheim" LP (D-546) and all the CD-versions sourced from it, like this; "Double Bubble" LP (KA01/02 BUBBLE CO) and all the CD-versions sourced from it, like the DFA's version, or the Sirene's version (first 2 discs) ;

recorder 2: the Sirene's 4CD-set "Double Bubble" only (last 2 discs) and the low gens like this: Reel[Master]>CASS>DAT>CDR or this 1stGen cass ... the Taper's version from the Master Reel recently surfaced too

recorder 3: incomplete recording having only Echoes and OOTD, a version from 1st Generation Clone is around with a couple of diginoises; another spotless version @32K is now in circulation included in the "Reeling In Pink Floyd" series


the guys at the festival chat a lot, just from the chats it would be easy to recognize the recorders, but unfortunately I don't know any German word ... so here there are some points to distinguish the 2 recorders from different comments:


recorder 2: a girl laughs loud before the song starts and audience claps as soon as the song starts, those are not on recorder 1

also there are more tuneups at the end of the song on recorder 1, on recorder 2 there's a cut, then the recording reprises with STC

download HERE a sample of the tuneups at the end of recorder 1 (taken from raw rip off the LP); 10,1 MB

download HERE a sample of the tuneups at the end of recorder 2 (taken from the version shared by the taper himself); 7,34 MB

NOTE!! You need to have PANDO installed to download the files. The samples are in FLAC (lossless) format - to decode them into .wav  you need the FLAC tool /all you need to know about FLAC is here


recorder 1: a guy yells "woooo" when the song is over, before the Waters' "thank you"

recorder 2: a guy yells "eee - eea" when the song is over, while Waters says "thank you" (this portion is also repeated at the beginning of the OOTD track)

CWTAE: starts missing the very begining in both the recorders; on the Sirene's release is fades out, but on the master of recorder 2 it's integral.


recorder1: //

recorder2: when Waters prays the crowd in the first rows to stay down to let other people see the stage, guys near to the taper yells "yeah" and clap, then the taper talks before the OOTD bass starts.

recorder3: starts from the beginning of the song, soon after the first bass note you can hear a guy near to the recorder saying "haaaa" and another one yells "wo"


recorder 1: a guy yells "woooo" when the song finishes

recorder 2: a guy yells "yeah" and the taper coughs when the song finishes

recorder 3: nobody yells stuff near to the taper at the end, there is just distant crowd yelling and people clapping near to the taper

ASOS: on recorder 1 is included the portion with the announcer greeting the Floyd at the end of the show, that's missing on recorder 2


have a look here for info on the 2nd British Rock Meeting (german)



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