1977 June 27 - Boston Garden, Boston

updated November 2010




Two recorders are in general circulation for this date, both complete and in a very nice sound quality.


recorder 1: Taped by Steve Hopkins, same taper than Boston 75, this is around for a long time in any form of RoIO and tape/master clone version. The most common versions are: "Curse Of The Pig" by Digitalreproductions, "The Perfect Day" by Ayanami; "Boston 77". All supposed from Master Clones. Some different DAT clones of the masters are actually in circulation like this missing the encore and quite reliable ones like this.

recorder 2: Taped by Dan Lampinski this recording surfaced directly from the master taped only in recent times in the common circuit


to recognize the 2 recorders in irculation is very easy just by 2 points.

on recorder 1 the recording is missing the line "What happened To Me" on Pigs On The Wing P1

on recorder 2 as soon as Sheep begins a guy yells "Floyd - Floyd" near to the recorder.


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